With Kogar the Swinging Ape
The Jaguars Roundabout EPIC promo
The Vigilantes Warm Wind HERMI RECORDS
The low-rocks - snooker S.A.K.
The Vigilantes Caterpillar Crawl HERMI RECORDS
Les brown jr. - drum's safari GNP CRESCENDO
The boys – cobra #1 RECORDS
The Emcees Hot Rock CIMARRON
The Delcos - Arabia EBONY
The Crenshaws Moonlight in Vermont WARNER BROTHERS
Joe Lyons and the Arrows Shufflin Jive HIT MAKER
The Butanes with Teddy Mcrae and orch. Don't Forget I Love You ENRICA
The Champions with Sonny Thompson Come On CHART RECORDS
The Eagles Please Please MERCURY
The Bel-Aires Let's Party Awhile FLIP RECORDS
The Dusters Teen Age Jamboree GLORY
The Elites Mama Look at Me CHIEF RECORDS
Mel McGonnigle Rattle Shakin Mama ROCKET RECORDS
Gene Maltais Lovemakin REGAL
Allen Page with The Deltones Dateless Night MOON
Billy Starr Hound Dog IMPERIAL
Junior thompson How Come You Do Me TUNE
Phil Bo Mr Train SOM RECORDS
Pico Pete Chicken Little JET
Big Al Downing Miss Lucy WHITE ROCK
Professor Longhair Look What You're Doin to Me EBB
Big Boy Myles and the Shaw-Wees Hickory Dickory Dock SPECIALTY
Lois and Louis - pow wow! SPECIALTY
Little Esther Hollerin and Screamin FEDERAL
Billy the Kid Emerson Something for Nothing SUN
Harold Burrage I Don't Care Who Knows COBRA
Lillian Offitt My Man Is a Lover CHIEF
JB Lenoire don't touch my HEAD CHECKER
Homesick James Set a Date COLT
Nappy brown - baby cry cry cry baby SAVOY
Little walter - i got to go CHECKER
Stomp Gordon Ride Superman Ride SAVOY
Link Wray Blow Your Mind HEAVY
Travis Wammack Night Train ATLANTIC
The Warlocks I'll go Crazy DECCA
Merced Blue Notes Rufus JR MAMMOTH RECORDS
Mary Sue Gravy GIANT
Ty Terrell The Scratch part 1 LUTE RECORDS
Tony Ray - Bossa Nova Baby IMPERIAL