Monday, August 5, 2024

Alex Chilton and Friends


With Mark Ehmcke

1. Choo Choo Train - The Box Tops

2.  Mod Lang - Big Star

3.  Come On Little Mama - Tav Falco's Panther Burns

4.  Secret Agent Man - Carmaig De Forest

5.  Girl After Girl - Alex Chilton

6.  Domino - The Cramps

7.  Everything I Am - The Box Tops

8.  Thank You Friends - Big Star

9.  Snatch It Back - Tav Falco's Panther Burns

10.  What's Behind The Mask - The Cramps

11.  Story Of My Life - Lesa Aldridge

12.  727 - The Box Tops

13.  Can't Seem To Make You Mine - Alex Chilton

14.  Lost My Job - Alex Chilton

15.  Long Distance - Carmaig De Forest

16.  Try Again - Rock City

17.  Torso Tourinado - Scott Adams

18.  Human Fly - The Cramps

19.  When My Baby's Beside Me - Big Star

20.  Snake Drive - Tav Falco's Panther Burns

21.  Bus Trip - Grady Whitebread

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