
Tuesday, December 1, 2020



With Mark Ehmcke

1. Moon Rocketin' - Les Vogt
2. Wigwam Willie - Carl Philipps
3. Jungle Rock - Hank Mizell
4. Rock It - Thumper Jones
5. Rockin' Out The Blues - Carroll Linn and the Linn Twins
6. Rock My Warriors Rock - Joe Jackson
7. Whistle Bait - Larry Collins
8. Arkansas Twist - Bobby Lee Trammel
9. Rock On The Moon - Jimmy Stewart
10. Rockin' In The Congo - Hank Thompson
11. Jelly Roll Rock - Walter Brown
12. Savage - Alan Bernicoat 
13. Let's Get Wild - Rudy "Tutti" Grayzell
14. The Boppin' Martian - Dick Robinson
15. Cherokee Stomp - Bobby Tidwell
16. Bop-a-Lena - Ronnie Self
17. Snake Eyed Woman - The Sundowners
18. Indian Rock - Carroll Linn and the Linn Twins
19. Moon Twist - Billy Nix
20. Tongue Tied Jill - Charlie Feathers
21. Indian Squaw - The Kellwoods
22. Bo Bo Ska Diddle Daddle - Wayne Walker
23. Rock It On Mars - Terry Dunavan
24. Move Around - "Groovey" Joe Poovey
25. Rockin' Daddy - Sonny Fisher
26. Tag Along - Rocket Morgan
27. I Dig You Baby - Marvin Rainwater

