
Friday, March 6, 2015

Frozen Felines

It's time for WFMU's MARATHON and Crayons to Perfume! has created FROZEN FELINES - 26 Canadian Kittens! A cd collection filled with obscure (or obscure tracks by) Canadian soul and psychedelic sisters, teeners, girl groups and Francophone felines! - a mix of English and French.... GIRL GROUP LOVERS won't want to miss this one, it will never again be reproduced! A truly rare collection you can only get from WFMU.org! Why not go ahead and /marathon credit your pledge to Crayons to Perfume!

Then download a few of our Soeurs Canadiene (those are Canadian sisters) who didn't get the chance to make it to Frozen Felines! My gift to you, for loving the GIRLS! Your pledge also means you have the chance to win FREE STUFF during our shows March 11th and March 18th at 7pm on the Ichiban Stream! We have ORIGINAL GIRL GROUP 45's as well as compilation CD's to give to lucky pledgers! THANK YOU for supporting WFMU's Rock'n'Soul Ichiban and for keeping Debbie D's vision of the perfect mix of 50's & 60's obscure music of all kinds alive, 24/7!!!


1. Carole Robert & Les Improvistes: Le Fruit Defendu
2. Caroline: Le jeu du Telephone
3. Domenique Michel: Mirza
4. Karo - Un garçon en mini-jupe
5. Lynda Layne: Hang On To Me, Baby
6. Pat Hervey: Walkin' In Bonnie's Footsteps

