
Monday, March 22, 2010

Bruce Johnston Rules?

I've never had a very strong opinion of Bruce Johnston, one way or the other. As far as I was concerned, he was kind of just there in the Beach Boys, neither good nor bad. Recently, I bought this album, which I had never heard of, seen or listened to. About half of the record is just about what you'd expect: decent, but average Beach Boy style surf tunes with passable vocals. The rest is certainly NOT what you'd expect. I couldn't believe my ears...
(from 1963)
Jersey Channel Islands Part 7

Virginia Beach

Hot Pastrami, Mashed Potatoes, Come On to Ricon, Yeah!!!



Holly said...

Dear Sir -

This, without a doubt, is the find of the year. Amazing that treasures like this are still hiding out there ... wow. Thank you SOOOOO much!

Holly said...

Heh. If anyone is curious and/or bored, check Amazon for some other folks' perspectives ...different strokes, different strokes.

But dear lord, while there I also learned that Bruce is responsible for Barry Manilow's "I Write the Songs" ??!!

Jukeboxmafia said...

Dear Holly, Thanks! Yeah, the couple of reviews I read online just said something like: bland Beach Boys ripoff. Obviously they didn't listen to the whole thing!

RecordCollector said...

I love the style of Bruce Johnston since I was a kid. Love these songs, thanks!

JM said...

Amazon reviewers can be incredible mainstream morons. This is great...I just bought it. Thanks for the tip!

Jukeboxmafia said...

Awesome. You're welcome John! Maybe we can get some better reviews up on Amazon...

Scott M said...

somebody found out. Ebay has the vinyl for $99!
